Addiction have you bound?
Freedom counseling Associates
Problem Gambling Solutions
Troy Green
I have been certified and licensed to treat addiction since 1999. I have worked with substance abuse
disorders, gambling disorders and domestic violence issues my entire career. I founded, owned
and operated three certified treatment agencies. I worked with various tribes throughout the
Northwest to establish problem gambling treatment programs and helped develop policies for casinos
that reduce problem gambling. I also established and operated various non-profit programs that
focus exclusively on freeing people from addictions and other bondages.
Most recently, I established Freedom Counseling Associates LLC as a Problem Gambling Disorder
Program. FCA is contracted with Washington State Health Care Authority, which means that you and
your family can receive counseling and treatment for no out-of-pocket expense.
Freedom Counseling Associates provides Problem gambling solutions with no out of pocket Expenses.
We are Washington State Certified and have in person and Telehealth services available.